The significance of each employee’s contribution in the operation of the company is highly important to us. Our personnel combine the experience with the innovative thinking, the bookishness with the initiative, and the general knowledge with the expertise.
Our work is organized and supervised by our scientific team. The team is composed with scientists of different fields, highly expertized and continuously educated. They participate in seminars, presentations, exhibitions, both nationwide and worldwide.
Our scientists can select and organize effective methods of pest control with the use of appropriate equipment and technical knowledge, offering our customers excellent results in the protection from parasites. All the above are done with respect to the product, environment and client.
Nowadays, 60% of our personnel are scientists.
Our technical staff, fully expertized and qualified, has the potential of using modern equipment for the pest control. Following the instructions of the scientific team, our technicians work conscientiously and professionally with respect to our customers’ requirements and needs.
The training program of the company is highly effective because it combines the theoretical with the practical application and also both technicians and scientists strictly follow it.